Anne-Sophie Pic

The endowment fund
Anne-Sophie Pic

The endowment fund
Making Childhood Delicious
This one precedes an endowment fund in order to achieve projects of a much larger social impact.
Anne-Sophie’s endowment fund seeks to put actions into motion that will benefit the general interest of childhood, by linking nutrition, cooking, knowledge and knowhow into a gastronomical and nutritional universe for the benefit and wonderment of children.
With the support of new donors, the ASP endowment fund will put this project initiated by Anne-Sophie Pic into motion.
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The project
This non-medical site will allow children to gather their strengths by offering them a moment of respite outside of the hospital. Multisensory workshops will be assembled in the kitchen in the exceptional setting of St-Peray-en-Ardèche.
The home is an old structure that needs renovation, a true cradle of the PIC family. Here, the goal is to accustom children to the notion of pleasure in nutrition, and to transmit knowhow and emotion.
Over several days, we shall instil this in them through successful experiences and a beautiful adventure.

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