4H, the sweet rendez-vous

Refinement and generosity combine to deliver the most confidential 4H.

Imagined as a whirlwind of flavours, this generous, gourmet 4H features quince, fir buds, citrus fruits, spices and chocolate to create a daring palette of fragrances that will delight gourmets. And to enhance the experience, creative drinks, with or without alcohol, teas or coffees, will make this a moment to remember.

ambiance tea time 4h pic
hot chocolate house style pic
tea time, the 4h of maison pic
tea time, the 4h of maison pic

49 € per person

Every Sunday and Monday
Hotel Pic*****
285, avenue Victor Hugo – 26 000 Valence
Bookings on +33 (0) 4 75 44 15 32 (at least the day before before 3pm)